It’s time for a new cast on! If you saw on my instagram I'm having a fun Knit Along in my Patreon group for an Everything Socks KAL for the month of April!! I'm so excited to cast on a new pair of socks and get them on my needles. If you'd love to join click on the link to my Patreon group. Everyone is welcome!!

I love working with Knit Picks Hawthorne. I’ve been wanting to knit my husband another pair of socks. When I saw this skein of Knit Picks Hawthorne High Desert I thought it was just perfect!! I'll be making them just a plain vanilla sock to be able to sit and knit.

This year I've also put a goal on myself to knit my husband his own box of socks! I know it's a little crazy of a goal but let's be honest, I love knitting socks so much and I already have a ton. It's time for his own little box! I'm using this Small Cedar box from Knit Picks it's perfect to store socks. I'm hoping to make around 6-8 pair of socks. I've already completed one full pair and 1/2 of a second pair.
Here is the first pair of Socks I've finished for his box of socks. I knit these out of Campfiber Yarns in Ice Castle, and used Knit Picks Stroll in Sapphire Heather for the cuff.

The second pair of socks I knit using Haute Knit Yarns in Foggy Autumn Mornings and Knit Picks Stroll in Cobblestone for the cuff and toe. I used this sock for a new tutorial that is on YouTube on how I knit my socks. I currently have the second one already cast on and hoping to finish it before I cast on the Knit Picks Hawthorne!

Do you have any knitting goals this year? I'm hoping to keep you all updated on how his box of socks turns out! Also let me know below what are you watching on Netflix? I need some new shows to watch while I get some sock knitting done at night.
-Happy Knitting!